
Here are some photographs for those who worked in the offices and wish to remember the people they worked with. Unfortunately, as can be expected after such a long time, many names are missing however as always do please make contact if you are able to provide them.

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Secretary Linda Bowers is given the Trainee of The Year award by Joe Mitton circa 1973. In the background is Joe (?) Bradley.

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Jenny Orson

Here is a nice photo taken when secretary Jenny Orson left to have a baby. Names remembered are as follows: Far left – Edna Davies, Sharon Derbyshire, third left is Elaine (?) General Manager’s secretary next to Jenny Orson (seated). On the far right is secretary Linda Bowers and to her right is Jeanette Pitt.

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Elaine and Ken

Here is Cashiers Manager (and one of my my ex-bosses) Ken Whitehouse with General Manager’s secretary Elaine. Photo is not dated but likely to be mid 1970’s.