Plan of Blast Furnace Area

See below plan of blast furnace area extracted from an overall site map of the works drawn in 1971 along with a view of Elisabeth from more or less the same relative position for reference.

NOTE : This is best viewed in expanded format – click again on the ‘arrows X’ box at the bottom r/h corner (just over the BSC ‘S’ logo). To close the image simply click on it again.

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Blast Furnace Area Plan

Overall area view showing Elisabeth and other facilities including the staff and workmen’s canteens. Just visible on the left is the General Office, the overhead railway from the bunkers swings to the right and not shown beyond the garage. On the far right edge is the Melting Shop.

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A nice view of Elisabeth from the other side of the canal, the image taken from what was clearly a folded photograph, probably dating from the mid-late 1950’s judging by the car in the foreground.